About Us

About Victoria Productions INC.

Victoria Han Farago launched Victoria Productions in 2005 which has become a driving force in the digital world through the creation of beautifully crafted TV commercials, photography and multimedia services. In 2008 Victoria Productions pioneered breakthrough technology in the development of enchanting mobile educational apps, 3D, motion graphics, and engaging web platforms for both children and adults.

Company Values:

  • Our core product is 'BOOK+APP', an augmented reality framework used by the publishing industry. 'BOOK+APP' allows content publishers to easily add App excitement and animation to their existing texts to increase their value, or to create entirely new projects from scratch. The only limit is your imagination.

Our Skills

AR/VR APP Devleopment
BOOK Publishing
2D/3D Design
Contents Development

The team consists of 40 new media Artists, 3D designers, iOS/Android Programmers, Marketers, and 3D publishing specialists based in New York City and Seoul, South Korea. We have also partnered with numerous publishers and writers to develop apps based on their existing educational content.

Global Conference & Speech

매년 세계 각국의 각종 이벤트, 컨퍼런스, 국제 전시회 참여를 통해 증강현실을 활용해 앞으로 발전해야 할 새로운 교육 방법, 광고 사업 등을 알리는데 주력하고 있습니다.